Sunday, December 4, 2011

Mayor's Race 2011 White Rock Fun Run on December 3rd

We participated as a family in the Mayor's Race three times when we lived in Mesquite. We decided to start the tradition again now that we are back in Dallas. It was so much fun, as always. So this year was our 4th year, and the race was held at Fair Park. Daddy and the boys ran up ahead of us with Holly in the stroller. The girls and I were a little slower, finishing together at 1 hour 4 minutes!!! We are such walkers. Haha. At least we weren't dead LAST like the last time!
I think 2008 was the last year that we walked the race. The police car was behind us that year during the final stretch. I think there was also a blind couple behind us. BUT, when we arrived at Cici's Pizza at 10:55, we were their FIRST customers of the day! So, you win some and lose some. Funny memory.
We want to make a goal to run the 5K next year. Seems like a small goal, but I've set and failed so many goals over these past few years that I need to celebrate and appreciate the small things at this point in my life.
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1 comment:

Laura said...

I just read your entire "About Me." That was so very beautiful. You are an incredible woman and I am so grateful for you and all that you do for me and our family. Love, Laura Anne